General information related to properties at this location.
Report for: 2013.1872E
Parcel (Block/Lot)
Parcel History
Address(es) for this Parcel
768 harrison st, San Francisco, CA 94107
3751/159 became 3751/162 on an unknown date
Current Planning Team
Schools (K-12) Within 600ft
Alt School - Yerba Buena
Carmichael, Bessie Carmichael (6-8 Campus)
Port Facilities
City Properties
Official Maps
Assessor's Block Map
Sanborn Map 1990's
Sanborn Map 1919
Supervisor District
Census Tract
2020 Census Tract 017801
Neighborhood (Planning Dept)
South of Market
Neighborhood Groups Map
Services nearby (street cleaning, parks, MUNI, etc.)
Transportation (transit, ped & bike safety, etc.)
Recommended Plants
Would you like to grow plants that create habitat and save water? Check out the plants that we would recommend for this property at SF Plant Finder
Housing Element Reused Sites
A subject property (listed below) is eligible for development by right pursuant to Government Code Section 65583.2(i) when 20 percent or more of the units are affordable to lower income households. For questions regarding a by-right development proposal on this site please schedule a Project Review Meeting.
768 HARRISON ST - parcel 3751033
State Opportunity Map
Not within a High Resource Area
National Park Service