Planning Applications
Permits are required in San Francisco to operate a business or to perform construction activity. The Planning Department reviews most applications for these permits to ensure that the projects comply with the Planning Code . The 'Project' is the activity being proposed. For a glossary of terms, visit Planning Code section 102 , or the Help section of this site.
Report for: 2023-001452ENV

Planning Application 2023-001452ENV is not associated with any valid parcels so cannot be mapped or linked to other parcel or property information. All other sections (Property, Zoning Information, Historic Preservation, etc. will remain empty).   

Record ID:
Planning counter Tel: 628.652.7300
Record Type:
Environmental (ENV)
SFMTA_Visitacion Valley & Portola Community Based Transportation Plan
The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) proposes to adopt the Visitacion Valley and Portola Community Based Transportation Plan. The two communities of Visitacion Valley and Portola are located in the southeast corner of San Francisco. They are bounded on the south by Daly City, to the east by Highway 101, to the north by Interstate 280, and to the west by McLaren Park. Located far from the downtown core of San Francisco, the communities of Visitacion Valley and Portola face substantial barriers and challenges to their transportation needs. The transportation plan is a 2-year community-driven planning effort that seeks to improve physical mobility in the area by focusing on meeting the needs of the existing residents and businesses. The transportation plan includes a set of potential transportation improvements and a set of policy recommendations for non-infrastructure/capital needs (such as transit service and access to bicycles) identified by the community to meet their transportation needs. The potential improvements identified in the transportation plan at a conceptual level include pedestrian-scale lighting, crosswalk and curb ramp improvements, bike network projects such as bike lanes or neighborways, transit stop improvements, speed humps, pedestrian bulb-outs, and raised mid-block crosswalks.
Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
Further Information:
Permitted Short Term Rentals
This section does not include pending or denied applications. Eligible applicants at qualifying properties may host short-term rentals while an application is pending.