Opened: 11/18/2024 Status: Closed 11/18/2024
1.8' x 1.8' metal sign "Cafe Sebastian."
Address: 545 SANSOME ST 94111
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More Details Opened: 11/18/2024 Status: Closed 11/18/2024
3.5' by 2.5' business sign, cut metal affixed to building, "Cafe Sebastian."
Address: 545 SANSOME ST 94111
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More Details Opened: 11/18/2024 Status: Closed 11/18/2024
1.8' x 1.8' sign, metal affixed to building.
Address: 545 SANSOME ST 94111
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More Details Opened: 10/31/2024 Status: Closed 10/31/2024
Approved small metal awning above restaurant entry door (approved under BPA 202406134419 and 202406134418). Awning projects over private property (Washington Lawn open space). No other work.
Address: 545 SANSOME ST 94111
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More Details Opened: 6/13/2024 Status: Closed 6/13/2024
Interior ground floor tenant TI for a new temporary connection between 545 Sansome St and 505 Washington St for a new Restaurant including bar space and associated food prep space. Interim use until development of approved project, Planning Application No. 2020-001410PRJ, approved by CPC on 12/14/24.
Address: 545 SANSOME ST 94111
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More Details Opened: 5/21/2024 Status: Open 5/21/2024
The project sponsor proposes the street vacation of Mark Twain Alley, which sits between 545 Sansome and 505 Sansome and connects Sansome Street with Redwood Park. The alley currently provides both pedestrian access and commercial loading access to 505 Sansome. The proposal involves converting Mark Twain Alley to a pedestrian only alley that would link Sansome to Redwood Park, and would allow people to walk freely between Sansome Street, Washington Street, Clay Street, and Redwood Park. The Sponsor is in the midst of an improvement project in Redwood Park, which includes renovation of the existing landscaping, site lighting, and related utility modifications, and in-kind replacement of concrete paving to match the texture and pattern of the existing paving. As part of the Mark Twain Alley project, an existing gate situated at the west end of the alley at Redwood Park would be relocated to the east end of the alley, which would allow the owner to secure the alley and the private Redwood Park at night and would provide for unobstructed access between Sansome Street, Mark Twain Alley, and Redwood Park during the day. This relocation would result in a less obtrusive fencing/gating system than exists currently. The alley and Redwood Park would be open to the public during business hours.
Additional improvements to Mark Twain Alley would include eight new trees, new paving (replaced in kind), in-ground lighting, overhead catenary lighting, and movable furniture to provide seating and dining space. The street vacation of Mark Twain Alley would provide significant public benefits. The project would create an enhanced pedestrian space, providing improved access to an enlarged and rehabilitated open space that will create pedestrian connections to and through the interior of the block, linking Sansome, Washington, and Clay Streets to Redwood Park.
Address: 535 WASHINGTON ST 94111
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More Details 2023-005496GPR General Plan Referral (GPR) Mark Twain Place
Opened: 6/16/2023Status: On Hold 11/20/2024
More Details The Sponsor proposes the street vacation of Mark Twain Alley, which sits between 545 Sansome and 505 Sansome and connects Sansome Street with Redwood Park. The alley currently provides both pedestrian access and commercial loading access to 505 Sansome. The proposal involves converting Mark Twain Alley to a pedestrian only alley that would link Sansome to Redwood Park, and would allow people to walk freely between Sansome Street, Washington Street, Clay Street, and Redwood Park. The Sponsor is in the midst of an improvement project in Redwood Park, which includes renovation of the existing landscaping, site lighting, and related utility modifications, and in-kind replacement of concrete paving to match the texture and pattern of the existing paving. As part of the Mark Twain Alley project, an existing gate situated at the west end of the alley at Redwood Park would be relocated to the east end of the alley, which would allow the owner to secure the alley and the private Redwood Park at night and would provide for unobstructed access between Sansome Street, Mark Twain Alley, and Redwood Park during the day. This relocation would result in a less obtrusive fencing/gating system than exists currently. The alley and Redwood Park would be open to the public during business hours.
Additional improvements to Mark Twain Alley would include eight new trees, new paving (replaced in kind), in-ground lighting, overhead catenary lighting, and movable furniture to provide seating and dining space. The street vacation of Mark Twain Alley would provide significant public benefits. The project would create an enhanced pedestrian space, providing improved access to an enlarged and rehabilitated open space that will create pedestrian connections to and through the interior of the block, linking Sansome, Washington, and Clay Streets to Redwood Park.
Address: 535 WASHINGTON ST 94111
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Opened: 2/18/2022 Status: Closed 2/18/2022
Permit to establish a temporary exterior barricade to safeguarding construction site during construction.
Address: 545 SANSOME ST 94111
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More Details Opened: 1/31/2020 Status: Closed 12/14/2023
Downtown Large Project Authorization for existing nine-story historic building with 55,759 square feet of office and 3,001 square feet of ground floor retail space. The Project proposes to demolish the adjacent single-story retail building at 501-505 Washington Street and a concrete capped, below-grade story at 517 Washington Street and construct a 49,999 square foot office addition (the “Project”). The new horizontal and penthouse addition would extend to the north and west of the Existing Building and would add 49,999 square feet of office space and 2,419 square feet of new ground floor retail. The principal historic street-facing facades of the Existing Building on Sansome and Mark Twain Place will be retained, and the addition has been carefully designed to respect and compliment the character of the preexisting structure.
In total, the Project would result in a new building with 105,758 square feet of office and 5,420 square feet of ground floor retail. The Project will also provide 7,103 square feet of open space. 6,103 square feet of private open space would be provided for the building’s tenants, via a 1,245 square foot ground floor courtyard and a 4,858 square foot roof deck. In addition, the Project will add 1,000 square feet of POPOS, located at the ground level between the new structure and the adjacent Transamerica Redwood Park to the west. The new POPOS area will be designed as a visual extension of the existing Transamerica Redwood Park, while respecting the original character of the Park and the separation between the new and old.
Address: 545 SANSOME ST 94111
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More Details 2020-001410DNX Downtown Exception-309 (DNX) 545 SANSOME ST
Opened: 2/3/2020Status: Closed - Approved 1/8/2024
More Details Large Project Authorization for existing nine-story historic building with 55,759 square feet of office and 3,001 square feet of ground floor retail space. The Project proposes to demolish the adjacent single-story retail building at 501-505 Washington Street and a concrete capped, below-grade story at 517 Washington Street and construct a 49,999 square foot office addition (the “Project”). The new horizontal and penthouse addition would extend to the north and west of the Existing Building and would add 49,999 square feet of office space and 2,419 square feet of new ground floor retail. The principal historic street-facing facades of the Existing Building on Sansome and Mark Twain Place will be retained, and the addition has been carefully designed to respect and compliment the character of the preexisting structure.
In total, the Project would result in a new building with 105,758 square feet of office and 5,420 square feet of ground floor retail. The Project will also provide 7,103 square feet of open space. 6,103 square feet of private open space would be provided for the building’s tenants, via a 1,245 square foot ground floor courtyard and a 4,858 square foot roof deck. In addition, the Project will add 1,000 square feet of POPOS, located at the ground level between the new structure and the adjacent Transamerica Redwood Park to the west. The new POPOS area will be designed as a visual extension of the existing Transamerica Redwood Park, while respecting the original character of the Park and the separation between the new and old.
Address: 545 SANSOME ST 94111
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2020-001410ENV Environmental (ENV) 545 SANSOME ST and 501-505 WASHINGTON ST
Opened: 2/3/2020Status: Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued 1/4/2024
More Details The existing building at 545 Sansome Street (the "Existing Building") is a nine-story historic building with 55,759 square feet of office and 3.001 square feet of ground floor retail space. The Project proposes to demolish the adjacent single-story retail building at 501-505 Washington Street and a concrete capped, below-grade story at 517 Washington Street and construct a 49,999 square foot office addition (the "Project"). The new horizontal and penthouse addition and would extend to the north and west of the Existing building and would add 49,999 square feet of space and 2,419 square feet of new ground floor retail. The principal historic street-facing facades of the Existing building on Sansome and Mark Twain Place will be retained, and the addition has been carefully designed to respect and compliment the character of the preexisting structure. In total, the Project would result in a new building with 105,758 square feet of office and 5,420 square feet of ground floor retail. The Project will also provide 7,103 square feet of open space. 6,103 square feet of private open space would be provided for the building's tenants, via a 1,245 square foot ground floor courtyard and a 4,858 square foot roof deck. In addition, the project will add 1,000 square feet of POPOS, located at the ground level between the new structure and the adjacent Transamerica Redwood Park to the west. The new POPOS area will be designed as a visual extension of the existing Transamerica Redwood Park, while respecting the original character of the Park and the separation between the new and old.
Address: 545 SANSOME ST 94111
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2020-001410GPR General Plan Referral (GPR) 545 SANSOME ST
Opened: 3/28/2023Status: Withdrawn 6/15/2023
More Details The project is proposed in conjunction with an office addition at 545 Sansome Street, which is currently under review by the Planning Department (See 2020-001410DNX/OFA/ENV). At 545 Sansome, the Project Sponsor is proposing to modernize, upgrade, and expand the historic building for office and ground-floor retail use, and create a new open space adjacent to the Transamerica Redwood Park at 535 Washington Street.
At ground-level at 545 Sansome, a new 1,250 square foot POPOS will be designed as an urban garden and act as an extension of Redwood Park. An additional 1,810 square feet of open space would be located south of the POPOS and would allow outdoor seating for new cafes or restaurants.
Concurrent with that project, the Sponsor proposes the street vacation of Mark Twain Alley, which sits between 545 Sansome and 505 Sansome and connects Sansome Street with Redwood Park. The proposal involves converting Mark Twain Alley to a pedestrian only alley that would link Sansome Redwood Park, and would allow people to walk freely between Sansome, Redwood Park, and through the new 545 Sansome open space to Washington Street.
An existing gate situated at the west end of the alley at Redwood Park would be relocated to the east end of the alley, which would allow the owner to secure the open spaces and the private Redwood Park at night. This relocation would result in a less obtrusive fencing/gating system than exists currently. The alley, Redwood Park, and the new open spaces at 545 Sansome would be open to the public during business hours.
Additional improvements to Mark Twain Alley would include eight new trees, new paving (replaced in kind), in-ground lighting, overhead catenary lighting, and movable furniture to provide seating and dining space.
Address: 545 SANSOME ST 94111
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2020-001410OFA Office Allocation-321 (OFA) 545 SANSOME ST
Opened: 2/3/2020Status: Closed - Approved 1/11/2024
More Details Office Allocation for existing nine-story historic building with 55,759 square feet of office and 3,001 square feet of ground floor retail space. The Project proposes to demolish the adjacent single-story retail building at 501-505 Washington Street and a concrete capped, below-grade story at 517 Washington Street and construct a 49,999 square foot office addition (the “Project”). The new horizontal and penthouse addition would extend to the north and west of the Existing Building and would add 49,999 square feet of office space and 2,419 square feet of new ground floor retail. The principal historic street-facing facades of the Existing Building on Sansome and Mark Twain Place will be retained, and the addition has been carefully designed to respect and compliment the character of the preexisting structure.
In total, the Project would result in a new building with 105,758 square feet of office and 5,420 square feet of ground floor retail. The Project will also provide 7,103 square feet of open space. 6,103 square feet of private open space would be provided for the building’s tenants, via a 1,245 square foot ground floor courtyard and a 4,858 square foot roof deck. In addition, the Project will add 1,000 square feet of POPOS, located at the ground level between the new structure and the adjacent Transamerica Redwood Park to the west. The new POPOS area will be designed as a visual extension of the existing Transamerica Redwood Park, while respecting the original character of the Park and the separation between the new and old.
Address: 545 SANSOME ST 94111
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2020-001410SHD Shadow Study (SHD) 545 SANSOME ST
Opened: 2/3/2020Status: Closed - Approved 1/11/2024
More Details Shadow Study Analysis for existing nine-story historic building with 55,759 square feet of office and 3,001 square feet of ground floor retail space. The Project proposes to demolish the adjacent single-story retail building at 501-505 Washington Street and a concrete capped, below-grade story at 517 Washington Street and construct a 49,999 square foot office addition (the “Project”). The new horizontal and penthouse addition would extend to the north and west of the Existing Building and would add 49,999 square feet of office space and 2,419 square feet of new ground floor retail. The principal historic street-facing facades of the Existing Building on Sansome and Mark Twain Place will be retained, and the addition has been carefully designed to respect and compliment the character of the preexisting structure.
In total, the Project would result in a new building with 105,758 square feet of office and 5,420 square feet of ground floor retail. The Project will also provide 7,103 square feet of open space. 6,103 square feet of private open space would be provided for the building’s tenants, via a 1,245 square foot ground floor courtyard and a 4,858 square foot roof deck. In addition, the Project will add 1,000 square feet of POPOS, located at the ground level between the new structure and the adjacent Transamerica Redwood Park to the west. The new POPOS area will be designed as a visual extension of the existing Transamerica Redwood Park, while respecting the original character of the Park and the separation between the new and old.
Address: 545 SANSOME ST 94111
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2020-001410TDM Transportation Demand Management (TDM) 545 SANSOME ST
Opened: 2/3/2020Status: Under Review 12/26/2023
More Details Transportation Demand Management for existing nine-story historic building with 55,759 square feet of office and 3,001 square feet of ground floor retail space. The Project proposes to demolish the adjacent single-story retail building at 501-505 Washington Street and a concrete capped, below-grade story at 517 Washington Street and construct a 49,999 square foot office addition (the “Project”). The new horizontal and penthouse addition would extend to the north and west of the Existing Building and would add 49,999 square feet of office space and 2,419 square feet of new ground floor retail. The principal historic street-facing facades of the Existing Building on Sansome and Mark Twain Place will be retained, and the addition has been carefully designed to respect and compliment the character of the preexisting structure.
In total, the Project would result in a new building with 105,758 square feet of office and 5,420 square feet of ground floor retail. The Project will also provide 7,103 square feet of open space. 6,103 square feet of private open space would be provided for the building’s tenants, via a 1,245 square foot ground floor courtyard and a 4,858 square foot roof deck. In addition, the Project will add 1,000 square feet of POPOS, located at the ground level between the new structure and the adjacent Transamerica Redwood Park to the west. The new POPOS area will be designed as a visual extension of the existing Transamerica Redwood Park, while respecting the original character of the Park and the separation between the new and old.
Address: 545 SANSOME ST 94111
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Opened: 12/16/2019 Status: Closed - Informational 1/14/2020
545 Sansome Street (0207/035); Project Review meeting to discuss constructing an addition to the existing office and retail building to accommodate 49,999 sf of additional office space. Applicant would like to have a Preservation, Environmental and Transportation Planner attend the meeting.
Address: 545 SANSOME ST 94111
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Related Records: None
More Details Opened: 9/20/2019 Status: Closed - Informational 11/20/2019
The existing nine story building at 545 Sansome Street (the "Property") contains office space and ground floor
retail. The Project Sponsor proposes to construct an addition to the existing building, adding 49,999 square
feet of office space. The new floor area would be added horizontally and as a new penthouse level. The Project
would result in a total of 7,372 square feet of ground floor retail and 106,175 square feet of office space. The
Project would also include 2,239 square feet of open space, 1,000 square feet of which would be publicly
The principal street-facing facade of the existing building will be retained, and the Project will not exceed the
demolition thresholds set forth in Planning Code Article 10.
The PPA was accepted on 9/20/19 and the 60 day deadline is 11/19/19.
Address: 545 SANSOME ST 94111
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More Details Opened: 9/9/2009 Status: Closed - Informational 9/15/2009
On-going project
Address: 545 SANSOME ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111
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Related Records: None
More Details Opened: 4/14/2009 Status: Closed
Request to raise cumulative shadow limit for two zero-tolerance parks (Sue Bierman Park and Maritime Plaza) to allow new shadow cast by associated project at 555 Washington (aka 545 Sansome), Case No. 2002.0133K, pursuant to Section 295. Fees paid in association with 555 Washington project.
Address: 253 DRUMM ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111
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More Details 2009.0302K Shadow Study (SHD) Sue Bierman Park and Maritime Plaza
Opened: 4/14/2009Status: Closed - Disapproved 4/20/2010
More Details Request to raise cumulative shadow limit for two zero-tolerance parks (Sue Bierman Park and Maritime Plaza) to allow new shadow cast by associated project at 555 Washington (aka 545 Sansome), Case No. 2002.0133K, pursuant to Section 295. Fees paid in association with 555 Washington project.
Address: 253 DRUMM ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111
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Opened: 2/6/2002 Status: Closed 5/9/2016
Request for: 1) Section 309 Determination of Compliance and request for exceptions; (2) CU authorization for excess residential density per Section 215 (b); (3) Variance for usable open space; and, (4) Zoning Map Amendment to increase height limit from 200 to 300 feet. Proposal is to demolish the structures at 501 Washington, 545 Sansome and 517 Washington Street and then constrcut a new 30-story residential tower containing ground floor retail with appproximately 305 residential units above within a C-3-0 District and a 200-S Height and Bulk District.
06/19/06- EE filed. Demolish the two existing structures located at 501-505 Washington and 545 Sansome Street containing 4,300 sq. ft. of retail and 56,000 sq. ft. of office and construct 305 residential units, 7,600 sq. ft. of retail, and 305 parking spaces. The new building would be approximately 482,300 sq. ft., 30-stories, and approximately 300 feet in height.
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More Details 2002.0133B Office Allocation-321 (OFA) 545 SANSOME ST
Opened: 2/6/2002Status: Closed - Withdrawn 5/25/2006
More Details Request for: 1) Section 309 Determination of Compliance and request for exceptions; (2) CU authorization for excess residential density per Section 215 (b); (3) Variance for usable open space; and, (4) Zoning Map Amendment to increase height limit from 200 to 300 feet. Proposal is to demolish the structures at 501 Washington, 545 Sansome and 517 Washington Street and then constrcut a new 30-story residential tower containing ground floor retail with appproximately 305 residential units above within a C-3-0 District and a 200-S Height and Bulk District.
06/19/06- EE filed. Demolish the two existing structures located at 501-505 Washington and 545 Sansome Street containing 4,300 sq. ft. of retail and 56,000 sq. ft. of office and construct 305 residential units, 7,600 sq. ft. of retail, and 305 parking spaces. The new building would be approximately 482,300 sq. ft., 30-stories, and approximately 300 feet in height.
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2002.0133C Conditional Use Authorization (CUA) 545 SANSOME ST
Opened: 5/31/2006Status: Closed - Withdrawn 1/8/2010
More Details Request for: 1) Section 309 Determination of Compliance and request for exceptions; (2) CU authorization for excess residential density per Section 215 (b); (3) Variance for usable open space; and, (4) Zoning Map Amendment to increase height limit from 200 to 300 feet. Proposal is to demolish the structures at 501 Washington, 545 Sansome and 517 Washington Street and then constrcut a new 30-story residential tower containing ground floor retail with appproximately 305 residential units above within a C-3-0 District and a 200-S Height and Bulk District.
06/19/06- EE filed. Demolish the two existing structures located at 501-505 Washington and 545 Sansome Street containing 4,300 sq. ft. of retail and 56,000 sq. ft. of office and construct 305 residential units, 7,600 sq. ft. of retail, and 305 parking spaces. The new building would be approximately 482,300 sq. ft., 30-stories, and approximately 300 feet in height.
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2002.0133E Environmental (ENV) 545 SANSOME ST
Opened: 2/6/2002Status: Closed 7/20/2006
More Details Request for: 1) Section 309 Determination of Compliance and request for exceptions; (2) CU authorization for excess residential density per Section 215 (b); (3) Variance for usable open space; and, (4) Zoning Map Amendment to increase height limit from 200 to 300 feet. Proposal is to demolish the structures at 501 Washington, 545 Sansome and 517 Washington Street and then constrcut a new 30-story residential tower containing ground floor retail with appproximately 305 residential units above within a C-3-0 District and a 200-S Height and Bulk District.
06/19/06- EE filed. Demolish the two existing structures located at 501-505 Washington and 545 Sansome Street containing 4,300 sq. ft. of retail and 56,000 sq. ft. of office and construct 305 residential units, 7,600 sq. ft. of retail, and 305 parking spaces. The new building would be approximately 482,300 sq. ft., 30-stories, and approximately 300 feet in height.
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2002.0133E_10 Environmental (ENV) 545 SANSOME ST
Opened: 4/19/2010Status: Closed 5/24/2010
More Details Request for: 1) Section 309 Determination of Compliance and request for exceptions; (2) CU authorization for excess residential density per Section 215 (b); (3) Variance for usable open space; and, (4) Zoning Map Amendment to increase height limit from 200 to 300 feet. Proposal is to demolish the structures at 501 Washington, 545 Sansome and 517 Washington Street and then constrcut a new 30-story residential tower containing ground floor retail with appproximately 305 residential units above within a C-3-0 District and a 200-S Height and Bulk District.
06/19/06- EE filed. Demolish the two existing structures located at 501-505 Washington and 545 Sansome Street containing 4,300 sq. ft. of retail and 56,000 sq. ft. of office and construct 305 residential units, 7,600 sq. ft. of retail, and 305 parking spaces. The new building would be approximately 482,300 sq. ft., 30-stories, and approximately 300 feet in height.
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2002.0133E_8 Environmental (ENV) 545 SANSOME ST
Opened: 4/15/2010Status: Closed 5/24/2010
More Details Request for: 1) Section 309 Determination of Compliance and request for exceptions; (2) CU authorization for excess residential density per Section 215 (b); (3) Variance for usable open space; and, (4) Zoning Map Amendment to increase height limit from 200 to 300 feet. Proposal is to demolish the structures at 501 Washington, 545 Sansome and 517 Washington Street and then constrcut a new 30-story residential tower containing ground floor retail with appproximately 305 residential units above within a C-3-0 District and a 200-S Height and Bulk District.
06/19/06- EE filed. Demolish the two existing structures located at 501-505 Washington and 545 Sansome Street containing 4,300 sq. ft. of retail and 56,000 sq. ft. of office and construct 305 residential units, 7,600 sq. ft. of retail, and 305 parking spaces. The new building would be approximately 482,300 sq. ft., 30-stories, and approximately 300 feet in height.
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2002.0133E_10 Environmental (ENV) 545 SANSOME ST
Opened: 4/19/2010Status: Closed 5/24/2010
More Details Request for: 1) Section 309 Determination of Compliance and request for exceptions; (2) CU authorization for excess residential density per Section 215 (b); (3) Variance for usable open space; and, (4) Zoning Map Amendment to increase height limit from 200 to 300 feet. Proposal is to demolish the structures at 501 Washington, 545 Sansome and 517 Washington Street and then constrcut a new 30-story residential tower containing ground floor retail with appproximately 305 residential units above within a C-3-0 District and a 200-S Height and Bulk District.
06/19/06- EE filed. Demolish the two existing structures located at 501-505 Washington and 545 Sansome Street containing 4,300 sq. ft. of retail and 56,000 sq. ft. of office and construct 305 residential units, 7,600 sq. ft. of retail, and 305 parking spaces. The new building would be approximately 482,300 sq. ft., 30-stories, and approximately 300 feet in height.
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2002.0133E_3 Environmental (ENV) 545 SANSOME ST
Opened: 6/19/2006Status: Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued 11/30/2007
More Details Request for: 1) Section 309 Determination of Compliance and request for exceptions; (2) CU authorization for excess residential density per Section 215 (b); (3) Variance for usable open space; and, (4) Zoning Map Amendment to increase height limit from 200 to 300 feet. Proposal is to demolish the structures at 501 Washington, 545 Sansome and 517 Washington Street and then constrcut a new 30-story residential tower containing ground floor retail with appproximately 305 residential units above within a C-3-0 District and a 200-S Height and Bulk District.
06/19/06- EE filed. Demolish the two existing structures located at 501-505 Washington and 545 Sansome Street containing 4,300 sq. ft. of retail and 56,000 sq. ft. of office and construct 305 residential units, 7,600 sq. ft. of retail, and 305 parking spaces. The new building would be approximately 482,300 sq. ft., 30-stories, and approximately 300 feet in height.
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2002.0133E_5 Environmental (ENV) 545 SANSOME ST
Opened: 12/4/2007Status: Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued 1/7/2010
More Details Request for: 1) Section 309 Determination of Compliance and request for exceptions; (2) CU authorization for excess residential density per Section 215 (b); (3) Variance for usable open space; and, (4) Zoning Map Amendment to increase height limit from 200 to 300 feet. Proposal is to demolish the structures at 501 Washington, 545 Sansome and 517 Washington Street and then constrcut a new 30-story residential tower containing ground floor retail with appproximately 305 residential units above within a C-3-0 District and a 200-S Height and Bulk District.
06/19/06- EE filed. Demolish the two existing structures located at 501-505 Washington and 545 Sansome Street containing 4,300 sq. ft. of retail and 56,000 sq. ft. of office and construct 305 residential units, 7,600 sq. ft. of retail, and 305 parking spaces. The new building would be approximately 482,300 sq. ft., 30-stories, and approximately 300 feet in height.
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2002.0133E_8 Environmental (ENV) 545 SANSOME ST
Opened: 4/15/2010Status: Closed 5/24/2010
More Details Request for: 1) Section 309 Determination of Compliance and request for exceptions; (2) CU authorization for excess residential density per Section 215 (b); (3) Variance for usable open space; and, (4) Zoning Map Amendment to increase height limit from 200 to 300 feet. Proposal is to demolish the structures at 501 Washington, 545 Sansome and 517 Washington Street and then constrcut a new 30-story residential tower containing ground floor retail with appproximately 305 residential units above within a C-3-0 District and a 200-S Height and Bulk District.
06/19/06- EE filed. Demolish the two existing structures located at 501-505 Washington and 545 Sansome Street containing 4,300 sq. ft. of retail and 56,000 sq. ft. of office and construct 305 residential units, 7,600 sq. ft. of retail, and 305 parking spaces. The new building would be approximately 482,300 sq. ft., 30-stories, and approximately 300 feet in height.
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2002.0133K Shadow Study (SHD) 545 SANSOME ST
Opened: 6/12/2006Status: Closed - Disapproved 4/20/2010
More Details Request for: 1) Section 309 Determination of Compliance and request for exceptions; (2) CU authorization for excess residential density per Section 215 (b); (3) Variance for usable open space; and, (4) Zoning Map Amendment to increase height limit from 200 to 300 feet. Proposal is to demolish the structures at 501 Washington, 545 Sansome and 517 Washington Street and then constrcut a new 30-story residential tower containing ground floor retail with appproximately 305 residential units above within a C-3-0 District and a 200-S Height and Bulk District.
06/19/06- EE filed. Demolish the two existing structures located at 501-505 Washington and 545 Sansome Street containing 4,300 sq. ft. of retail and 56,000 sq. ft. of office and construct 305 residential units, 7,600 sq. ft. of retail, and 305 parking spaces. The new building would be approximately 482,300 sq. ft., 30-stories, and approximately 300 feet in height.
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2002.0133R General Plan Referral (GPR) 545 SANSOME ST
Opened: 1/19/2010Status: Closed 12/22/2010
More Details Request for: 1) Section 309 Determination of Compliance and request for exceptions; (2) CU authorization for excess residential density per Section 215 (b); (3) Variance for usable open space; and, (4) Zoning Map Amendment to increase height limit from 200 to 300 feet. Proposal is to demolish the structures at 501 Washington, 545 Sansome and 517 Washington Street and then constrcut a new 30-story residential tower containing ground floor retail with appproximately 305 residential units above within a C-3-0 District and a 200-S Height and Bulk District.
06/19/06- EE filed. Demolish the two existing structures located at 501-505 Washington and 545 Sansome Street containing 4,300 sq. ft. of retail and 56,000 sq. ft. of office and construct 305 residential units, 7,600 sq. ft. of retail, and 305 parking spaces. The new building would be approximately 482,300 sq. ft., 30-stories, and approximately 300 feet in height.
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2002.0133V Variance (VAR) 545 SANSOME ST
Opened: 5/31/2006Status: Closed 12/22/2010
More Details Request for: 1) Section 309 Determination of Compliance and request for exceptions; (2) CU authorization for excess residential density per Section 215 (b); (3) Variance for usable open space; and, (4) Zoning Map Amendment to increase height limit from 200 to 300 feet. Proposal is to demolish the structures at 501 Washington, 545 Sansome and 517 Washington Street and then constrcut a new 30-story residential tower containing ground floor retail with appproximately 305 residential units above within a C-3-0 District and a 200-S Height and Bulk District.
06/19/06- EE filed. Demolish the two existing structures located at 501-505 Washington and 545 Sansome Street containing 4,300 sq. ft. of retail and 56,000 sq. ft. of office and construct 305 residential units, 7,600 sq. ft. of retail, and 305 parking spaces. The new building would be approximately 482,300 sq. ft., 30-stories, and approximately 300 feet in height.
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2002.0133X Downtown Exception-309 (DNX) 545 SANSOME ST
Opened: 2/6/2002Status: Closed 12/22/2010
More Details Request for: 1) Section 309 Determination of Compliance and request for exceptions; (2) CU authorization for excess residential density per Section 215 (b); (3) Variance for usable open space; and, (4) Zoning Map Amendment to increase height limit from 200 to 300 feet. Proposal is to demolish the structures at 501 Washington, 545 Sansome and 517 Washington Street and then constrcut a new 30-story residential tower containing ground floor retail with appproximately 305 residential units above within a C-3-0 District and a 200-S Height and Bulk District.
06/19/06- EE filed. Demolish the two existing structures located at 501-505 Washington and 545 Sansome Street containing 4,300 sq. ft. of retail and 56,000 sq. ft. of office and construct 305 residential units, 7,600 sq. ft. of retail, and 305 parking spaces. The new building would be approximately 482,300 sq. ft., 30-stories, and approximately 300 feet in height.
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2002.0133Z Zoning Map Amendment-LEG (MAP) 545 SANSOME ST
Opened: 5/31/2006Status: Closed 12/22/2010
More Details Request for: 1) Section 309 Determination of Compliance and request for exceptions; (2) CU authorization for excess residential density per Section 215 (b); (3) Variance for usable open space; and, (4) Zoning Map Amendment to increase height limit from 200 to 300 feet. Proposal is to demolish the structures at 501 Washington, 545 Sansome and 517 Washington Street and then constrcut a new 30-story residential tower containing ground floor retail with appproximately 305 residential units above within a C-3-0 District and a 200-S Height and Bulk District.
06/19/06- EE filed. Demolish the two existing structures located at 501-505 Washington and 545 Sansome Street containing 4,300 sq. ft. of retail and 56,000 sq. ft. of office and construct 305 residential units, 7,600 sq. ft. of retail, and 305 parking spaces. The new building would be approximately 482,300 sq. ft., 30-stories, and approximately 300 feet in height.
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Opened: 9/13/1989 Status: Closed
Sec 321, and To allow, and EE, and Shadow fan/computer analysis/test shadow impact, and For wind exception per Sec 148 demolish 2 bldgs of 64,000s.f. & 6,000s.f. & build a 12-story 209,000s.f. office & retail bldg with 2 loadingspaces.
Address: 545 SANSOME ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111
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More Details 1989.501B Office Allocation-321 (OFA) 545 Sansome St
Opened: 2/10/1990Status: Closed - Withdrawn 4/5/1990
More Details Sec 321, and To allow, and EE, and Shadow fan/computer analysis/test shadow impact, and For wind exception per Sec 148 demolish 2 bldgs of 64,000s.f. & 6,000s.f. & build a 12-story 209,000s.f. office & retail bldg with 2 loadingspaces.
Address: 545 SANSOME ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111
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1989.501C Conditional Use Authorization (CUA) 545 Sansome St
Opened: 3/20/1990Status: Closed - Withdrawn 4/5/1990
More Details Sec 321, and To allow, and EE, and Shadow fan/computer analysis/test shadow impact, and For wind exception per Sec 148 demolish 2 bldgs of 64,000s.f. & 6,000s.f. & build a 12-story 209,000s.f. office & retail bldg with 2 loadingspaces.
Address: 545 SANSOME ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111
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1989.501E Environmental (ENV) 545 Sansome St
Opened: 9/13/1989Status: Closed 8/20/1992
More Details Sec 321, and To allow, and EE, and Shadow fan/computer analysis/test shadow impact, and For wind exception per Sec 148 demolish 2 bldgs of 64,000s.f. & 6,000s.f. & build a 12-story 209,000s.f. office & retail bldg with 2 loadingspaces.
Address: 545 SANSOME ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111
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1989.501K Shadow Study (SHD) 545 Sansome St
Opened: 1/9/1990Status: Closed - Approved 8/20/1992
More Details Sec 321, and To allow, and EE, and Shadow fan/computer analysis/test shadow impact, and For wind exception per Sec 148 demolish 2 bldgs of 64,000s.f. & 6,000s.f. & build a 12-story 209,000s.f. office & retail bldg with 2 loadingspaces.
Address: 545 SANSOME ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111
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1989.501X Downtown Exception-309 (DNX) 545 Sansome St
Opened: 2/10/1990Status: Closed 7/31/1992
More Details Sec 321, and To allow, and EE, and Shadow fan/computer analysis/test shadow impact, and For wind exception per Sec 148 demolish 2 bldgs of 64,000s.f. & 6,000s.f. & build a 12-story 209,000s.f. office & retail bldg with 2 loadingspaces.
Address: 545 SANSOME ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111
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1989.501X_2 Downtown Exception-309 (DNX) 545 Sansome St
Opened: 3/14/1990Status: Closed - Withdrawn 4/5/1990
More Details Sec 321, and To allow, and EE, and Shadow fan/computer analysis/test shadow impact, and For wind exception per Sec 148 demolish 2 bldgs of 64,000s.f. & 6,000s.f. & build a 12-story 209,000s.f. office & retail bldg with 2 loadingspaces.
Address: 545 SANSOME ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111
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Opened: 1/1/1977 Status: Closed - DR taken-Approved 6/23/1977
Construct a commercial warehouse
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Related Records: None
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This section does not include pending or denied applications. Eligible applicants at qualifying properties may host short-term rentals while an application is pending.